What is the difference between glass cutting and engraving?
Glass cutting:
Cutting glass with rich decor is a traditional handcrafted technique of decorative glass refinement. Cut glass is used as a decorative technique for decorating vases, bowls, flat trays, decanters, bottles, baskets, table drinking glass and other shapes of practical use.
Glass engraving:
It is practically cutting into the surface of a glass object. From a sampling of glass and individual cuts, the final image is composed and "modelled". Like a painter's brush, a sculptor's chisel or a printmaker's chisel, the engraver's tools are rotating wheels, most commonly copper, carborundum, electrite and diamond wheels. As the engraver works, he applies a thin layer of emulsion of emery powder and kerosene, pure kerosene or water to their circumference, forming a cutting wheel that can remove the hard mass of the glass and leave the necessary matte mark on it.